

Customizable, premium quality products

Customer Favorites

loved by all moms

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Customize to your heart's desire!


Once you have found your desired product, click the "Upload Photo & Details" button to upload your image and add your notes in the text bar that will appear right after. Then, add to cart and proceed to checkout. Easy, right? Hooray!

How to Order?


Artwork Creation: Our artists hand-draws your image taking 3-4 days.
 Print Preparation: The order is printed and inspected in 3-5 days.
 Shipping: You'll receive a tracking number, and your product will arrive in 3-5 days. 
Total: 9-15 days

How long does shipping take?


Customers can make changes to our artists' drafts via an email order approval form. They can provide additional instructions, and our artists will follow up accordingly. Happy Customizing!

What are Revisions?


Failed orders occur when an order is shipped to the wrong address by the fulfillment service or arrive faulty. When this occurs, contact us through the "message" icon in the bottom right of your screen. 

What are Failed Orders?


Unfortunately, our policies do not allow returns or refunds. However, Épris has a replacement policy wherein we will replace your products for free if ever you face any complications within 30 days. 

Can I return or Refund an Order?


LOVE one another & faithfulness to GOD.